I stayed in because I was a child and depended on the wiz-dumb of my single mother to tell me how the world worked. I was baptized at 14.
I was compliant and obedient and massively naive. To this day I am almost shamefully gullible because I mistakenly assume that people usually tell the truth.
As my rational mind began to develop I began to detect the unmistakable aroma of bullshit... I had heard about the "gay boys" at Bethel from Howard Zenke (now dead), a member of the WTB&TS Service Department and the Overseer of the Sunnyside congregation in Queens, NY, and I knew about the gay hot tub scandal in the early 1970s that resulted in the dismissal of A LOT of "Bethelites," but it was when I learned of a pedophile in my congregation who was protected by the elder's committee that my "cosmic egg" shattered and I realized that righteousness in the WTB&TS was only another product of slogan engineering. This was in the late-mid-1970s, LONG before the pedophilia scandal broke nationwide.
I was in my mid-twenties when I walked away. I have not been disfellowshipped because I moved far away and few knew where I was, plus the elders who did know me were dying off. Maybe they'll disfellowship me when they are resurrected.